The business network of sustainable entrepreneurs

Endlessly enterprising

This is why you become a partner

MVO Netherlands is the largest sustainable business network in the Netherlands. Join our Dutch network and:

1 Expand your network and learn from other sustainable businesses.

2 Get access to our unique, practical tools.

3 Get involved in projects that address specific challenges.

4 Make your voice for sustainable business heard to politicians and policymakers.

A selection of our partners

The NExt Steps programme

With our NExt Steps programme, we separate the sense from the nonsense of sustainable business. This programme goes through 11 crucial themes and topics. Experts and experienced entrepreneurs guide you through introductory webinars, step-by-step plans and in-depth meet-ups (both online and on location) and show you the way. This will give you all the tools you need to really make progress with sustainability.

Become partner

Join CSR Netherlands and contribute to the transition to a sustainable economy. Join our networking events, get involved in projects and benefit from our public affairs efforts in The Hague and Brussels.
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Currently, we are working on

Currently, we are working on
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