Dit is MVO Nederland

We merken dagelijks de gevolgen van de inrichting van ons economisch systeem. Onze natuur en maatschappij staan hierdoor hevig onder druk. MVO Nederland gelooft in een economie die aangepast is aan de grenzen van die natuur en maatschappij. ​Voor een duurzame economie moet het huidige systeem op de schop. Wij stimuleren en ondersteunen bedrijven om hieraan bij te dragen. Daarnaast sporen we de overheid aan om duurzaam ondernemen de standaard te maken.

The business network of sustainable entrepreneurs

CSR Netherlands is driving the transition to the sustainable economy with the largest sustainable business network in the Netherlands. To measure the progress on our ambition, we developed the New Economy Index (NEx) that annually measures how well we are on track. This index consists of seven themes: new wealth, circular economy, biodiversity, real prices, inclusive business, green energy and transparent chains. Together, these themes form the new economy and thus the focus of our work. They also set the agenda for our partners on the road to a more sustainable business.


The business network of sustainable entrepreneurs

MVO Netherlands is driving the transition to the sustainable economy with the largest sustainable business network in the Netherlands. To measure the progress on our ambition, we developed the New Economy Index (NEx) that annually measures how well we are on track. This index consists of seven themes: new wealth, circular economy, biodiversity, real prices, inclusive business, green energy and transparent chains. Together, these themes form the new economy and thus the focus of our work. They also set the agenda for our partners on the road to a more sustainable business.


So what do we do concretely?

CSR Netherlands is doing a lot. Logical too, the sustainable transition is not easy. Our contribution boils down to three core activities.

1. Business network

With some 2,000 partners, we are Europe's largest sustainable business network. About 70 percent are SMEs. More than 170 large companies are also affiliated. In agrifood, chemicals, built environment, textiles and healthcare, we work on sector challenges. These sector networks also regularly cooperate with each other.

2. Projects

Long-term or short-term: CSR Netherlands works with partners on projects to research and develop innovations. We make the most successful initiatives bigger, sharing the lessons learned. Many of the projects we carry out with or on behalf of cooperation partners, funders or ministries.

3. Voice in politics

Currently, too many laws and regulations are still designed in favour of old-economy companies. Our public affairs activities should make sustainable business more attractive and easier.

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