The New Economy Index© (NEx) is the figure that CSR Netherlands assigns annually to the sustainability of our economy. We developed this index based on our mission: to achieve the new, sustainable economy as soon as possible.
Read on for more on the 2024 NEx or watch the video below for more explanation.
The NEx of 17.5 percent represents the average of scores on seven themes used by CSR Netherlands to interpret a sustainable economy. Since 2020 - when the NEx stood at 12.1 per cent - the NEx has been increasing every year. This year, the index is up 1.0 percentage points from 2023, the smallest increase in five years. Sustainability is running into policy limits.
The transition to the new economy is what we are working on with partners. But what is that, a new economy? No one really knows.
Until 2020. Then CSR Netherlands picked up the gauntlet and defined seven themes. Together, these make up the new economy. They also set the agenda for our partners on the road to a more sustainable business.
17.5 per cent of the Dutch economy is sustainable. This is according to the fifth edition of the New Economy Index (NEx), the annual survey by sustainable business network MVO Netherlands. The index is thus up 1.0 percentage points from 2023, the smallest increase in five years.
"The NEx shows that making the economy more sustainable is running into policy limits. Making it more sustainable is not accessible, inexpensive and understandable enough. As a result, entrepreneurs wait and see. The government can make sustainability more financially and commercially attractive," says Wouter Scheepens, director-director of CSR Netherlands.
In this special, nice and short podcast episode, we talk to Wouter Scheepens, interim managing director of CSR Netherlands. You will hear him about what that 17.5 per cent on the NEx 2024 actually means. What striking conclusions he draws about green energy and circular business. And what needs to be done to make sustainable business commercially and financially attractive.
On six of the seven NEx themes, we spoke to an inspiring partner from our network: Marcel's Green Soap, Yumeko, Dutch Climate Systems, Zustaina, Abovo Media and Kesbeke. How did they get this far and what can others learn from them?
Always wanted to know how your company scores on the seven themes of the New Economy Index (NEx)? The NEx check is a low-threshold tool to determine your priorities and get started. Answer the 21 questions and immediately receive your score, both overall and per theme.
Want to know everything about the research behind the NEx? Or are you a journalist and have questions?