History CSR Netherlands

It is 2004 when Dutch State Secretary for Economic Affairs Gerrit Ybema establishes 'The Knowledge and Information Centre on Corporate Social Responsibility' for SMEs. The original goal: to promote knowledge and information on CSR among entrepreneurs, civil society organisations, governments and citizens. It is the beginning of what CSR Netherlands is today: the movement of entrepreneurs in the new economy.

At the time, the Social and Economic Council (SER) considered it necessary to counterbalance the dominant shareholder capitalism. A company's profits should not be at the expense of people and the environment. Moreover, an entrepreneur was a corporate citizen, who should be allowed to give something back to society with his profits. In 2013, the name of the foundation was changed to Stichting MVO Nederland (CSR Netherlands).


  • History


From a fully government-funded organisation, CSR Netherlands has become independent over the years. As of January 2013, CSR Netherlands no longer receives a basic subsidy. We are, however, partly publicly funded, but mainly on a project basis. Over the years, ties with the government have broadened from Economic Affairs to other ministries. 

CSR Netherlands now and in the future

In 2024, CSR Netherlands will celebrate its 20th anniversary. Today, we are mainly busy doing. Because the corporate social responsibility of today is no longer that of then. With that, the purpose of our organisation is also changing. The time of making policy, fine words and talking clubs is over; it's about action. CSR Netherlands plays a guiding role in this.

Indeed, for a sustainable economy, the current system needs to be shaken up. CSR Netherlands encourages and supports companies to contribute to this. And urges the government to make sustainable business the standard.

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